Saturday, August 20, 2011

Making laser cutting machine without any skills...

We are very niggardly persons, so to avoid to pay full price for laser cutting machine, we decided to get it in parts and put together by ourselves :).
i guess there is no use to say that we had no experience in such a thing and never saw in our life's laser cutting machine in reality, but that didn`t stopped us.
This post will be more in pictures then in writing, so try to enjoy our pictures, and sorry for poor quality, since we was working 2nights and had only phone to take pictures. but I guess u can understand what was happening there :)

And for a final of coarse some phone taken movies :) just to show that it worked :)

And very last one and our favorite..

The last burger thing was done just because the guy who ordered this laser machine told that he has need to cut different materials which are putted together as burger. After 2 night work we had no other choice as to test how this machine cuts burgers :) (not very well, and taste is terrible)... 

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